新冠疫情以来全球市场对护目镜和面罩的市场需求量大增,各国对于护目镜眼罩以及防护面罩的标准要求也各不相同,在日本市场中护目镜的标准JIST8147-2016 护目器的检测项目如下;
JIS T8147:2006 Test includes the parameters listed below,if applicable (exclude the grey color parameters) |
5 (8.1) Quality |
5.1 (8.1) Lenses and eyepieces a) Appearance (8.1 (a)) b) Optical Properties (8.1 (b)) 1) Prismatic power 2) Refractive power 3) Astigmatic power c) Luminous transmittance (8.1 (c)) d) Shock resistance (8.1 (d)) e) Surface friction resistance (8.1 (e)) f) Stability at elevated temperature (8.1(f)) |
5.2 (8.2) Resistance to corrosion |
5.3 (8.3) Ignition |
5.4 (8.4) Finished product a) Appearance b) Shock resistance c) Holding characteristics of spectacle typeeye protectors d) Strength of headband attached section e) Suitability for disinfection |
6 Construction |
7 Material |